Products - Herbs / Spices
Herbs are native plants, grown in different arid and cultivated areas.In ancient times, herbs called all medicinal plants by chewing showed bitterness or sweetness and aromatic flavor. These properties, in ancient times people attributed to the magical powers that could alleviate or treat any disease. In some cases the people treats herbs special words like "can not find herbs to heal my wounds," which shows the importance attributed to them.
The leaves of thyme, when they are dry, they become brown/green color and give off their fragrance when crushed. Their flavor is very strong, slightly caustic and rich. Along with the dried blossoms thyme is used as spice for flavoring various dishes with fish, meat, sauces, soups etc.
Thyme is one of the essential ingredients of the liqueur Benedictine.
Before the advent of modern antibiotics, thyme’s essential oil was used to anoint bolting. It has also been proven effective in combating fungi often infect the toenails, it is an active ingredient in some herbal preparations without alcohol for disinfecting hands.
Due to its intense odor, the ancient Greeks, used it as incense on the altars during sacrificial ceremonies. Alexander the Great bathed in water with thyme to get rid of lice, and so did the Roman warriors before battle in order to gain courage, strength and vigor.
The therapeutic action in the lungs and bronchi was known in the Middle Ages. The parts of thyme used for therapeutic purposes are the leaves and flowering tops, collected from June to August.
Also the most famous thyme product is the highest quality honey called thyme honey.Thyme is particularly dear to bees and honey is of exceptional quality.
The beverage thyme can be used to treat coughs. To prepare an infusion put 1 teaspoon dry or 2 teaspoons fresh herb, without stalks, 1 cup of boiling water, cover it for 10 minutes and then strain it.It is tonic, diuretic, stimulant, digestion, cold. It is of course also used for cooking of fish, potatoes, sauces etc.
Known plant in ancient times when the ancient Greeks used it in various religious ceremonies and celebrations, decoration of buildings, temples and as fuel for incense.
The origin is from Mediterranean .
Shoots have a delightful fragrance like that of tea and the taste is slightly bitter and slightly spicy.The tender shoots and leaves of rosemary are used as flavoring in many dishes. Roasted gives a special flavor. For pastry it is mostly used in spoon sweets.Rosemary is diuretic, helps in detoxification, it acts as a stimulant of the circulatory system, in frequent doses it can raise the blood pressure. It helps in colds, asthma, insomnia and stimulates memory.In the kitchen, perfectly fits with lemon meat and baked potatoes.
Also wonderful fragrance bread, beef, lamb, hunt, fish, seafood, omelets, soups, sauces and vegetables.
The Greek Oregano is considered of the best in the world.
Oregano beyond the characteristic aroma and flavor, has many medicinal properties.
In Greece oregano is found in mountainous and rocky areas.It is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
As a beverage helps for coughs, helps hypertension and atherosclerosis. The essential oil of oregano is used in toothache. Oregano has 12 times more antioxidant activity than oranges, 30 times more than potatoes and 42 times more than apple. Also if you you’re your birds with a little oregano, you keep illnesses away.
Another major use of oregano is against chronic rheumatism. The ancient Greeks knew its therapeutic value and used drinking tea in colic and externally to swelling and others.
Oregano is used primarily as a seasoning for cooking and less frequently as a beverage, which as it is said, it is excellent against cough.
For cooking is especially used in the Greek salad, but it is also the main spice of the Mediterranean countries and a key component of our cuisine.
This plant has a strong aromatic odor and is cultivated for its medicinal properties, used as a beverage and as seasoning. The sage leaves, among others, are antiseptic, are good for the stomach, they have tonic properties.
Sage as a beverage is ideal for the treatment of mouth in case of injuries, thrush and other. It is hemostat and a skin anesthetic and also has antibiotic and antifungal properties. In the ancient world it was used for snake bites and insects, to increase the fertility of women and to expel evil spirits, etc.
Sage is used in cooking to flavor various broths, food and vinegar while considered beekeepers plant providing fine honey.
The taste is quite spicy and is perfect with very fat meats and cheeses. It is also perfect with fish and seafood.
Dictamnus (scientifically called Origanum dictamnus), is a native plant that is found only in Crete/Greece and used as a beverage.
The name comes from Mount Dikti (at Lassithi area) where formerly abounded, and that is were its name came from.
More specifically, dictamnus is cultivated in Embaros area for the 70 years.
Its leaves are plush and have gray-green color.
In Minoan Crete and Ancient Greece, dictamnus was one of the most important medicinal plants. Hippocrates used it against stomach ailments and digestion, rheumatism, arthritis, as healing etc. It was also used to make perfumes and also creams for wound healing.
The statue of the goddess Artemis, which among other things was the protector of women sergeant brought on her head a crown of Dictamnus.
Also in antiquity they believed that dictamnus was able to reject iron arches of the wounded bodies. According to ancient writers, this became known from the wild goats of Crete (the Cretans Aigagrous (Capra aegagrus)). When a wild goat was woonded by an arrow, the goat ate dictamnus and the arrow fell immediately.
It is also used as a beverage/medicine, replacing tea with a 1gr dictamnus in 100gr water.
Today Dictamnus is a coveted plant, rare and hard to find as the place where it is generated is small. Dictamnus was a herb of great economic importance in the past -as today- and the excessive and uncontrolled exploitation caused reduction or even leaded to extinct in some areas.